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  LOSE YOUR BELLY FAT AT HOME NOW IT'S VERY EASY Health is Wealth Friends, health is the most precious commodity in all human life, we a...



Health is Wealth

Friends, health is the most precious commodity in all human life, we all know it, but we really don't want to admit it; This precious truth comes to mind only when we fall seriously ill and become doctors, and the doctor raises his hand and says that I have nothing left after everything is in God's hands. Friends A rich and healthy person is much happier in his personal life than a rich person who is sick. Yet we all run for money every nanosecond and forget that we won't enjoy our hard-earned money if we're not in good health.So, from now on, every human being has to be aware of his health, because if he is healthy, everything will be there, everything will turn out to be what he wants.

Friends, all men & women want to look good in any outfit, and we all stand in front of the mirror after dressing to see how we look, but think about it, there are so many outfits that you can't just wear for your growing belly. Yes, friends, excess belly fat has become a common disease. This is not limited to the fact

 that you cannot wear the dress you choose, This extra belly fat is causing many more complex life-threatening diseases in the body, The only way to get rid of it is to get rid of the growing belly fat.


video presentation to learn more and understand the entire method.


Belly fat is an embarrassing topic. It's not that high-fat foods increase belly fat; Any high-calorie food can increase belly fat. Once fat accumulates in the abdomen, it cannot be removed; this idea is wrong. It is possible to reduce fat easily if you are used to a healthy lifestyle. It is important to know in advance what type of food causes fat to accumulate in the stomach. Alcohol consumption, excessive intake of sweet foods, fried foods, soft drinks, unhealthy meals outside the home, regular consumption of red meat, consumption of saturated fat, etc., influence the increase in fat abdominal. When the same oil is used repeatedly, trans fats are produced there, say researchers at the University of Warwick Force. Trans fats increase belly fat. Belly fat must be controlled before excessive accumulation. With a balanced diet and a proper lifestyle, we can prevent excess body fat from accumulating. Let's find out now what can be done to avoid belly fat or belly fat.

  • The diet should include foods rich in fiber. For example, fiber made from red rice or red flour and vegetables and fruits.

  • Green tea contains antioxidants, which are very effective in reducing belly fat. So change the habit of drinking tea with more milk and sugar in green tea.

  • Walnuts, walnuts, and marine fish are sources of omega-3 fatty acids. So these foods are effective in reducing belly fat.

  • Eat salty foods, it will reduce stomach fat. Surprised? Don't be surprised. Eat salty, but that salty will come from cinnamon, ginger, black pepper, and green pepper. Use it in these recipes. This spice is healthy and effective in reducing belly fat.

  • Suck on a few cloves of raw garlic in the morning. This habit will help you lose weight quickly and lose belly fat. Raw garlic facilitates blood flow to the body. It does not allow fat to accumulate in the abdomen.

  • Start the morning by drinking a glass of warm water mixed with lemon juice. This will maintain the proper digestion process of the body and the process of fat accumulation in the body will be slow.

  • Over thinking and a lack of initiative can also lead to the accumulation of fat around the waist or abdomen. So to reduce tummy, you need to live a carefree life.

  • Many sit or lie down after eating. Your food is not digested properly, resulting in a buildup of fat in your stomach. For that, after eating, you should walk for 15 to 20 minutes instead of lying down continuously.

  • Those who have to work at the table and chair all day, their stomach fat easily accumulates. The abdomen begins to be round. Therefore, they need to sit for 30-40 minutes and then get up and walk for 10-15 minutes.

  • Do not eat extra foods at the same time and eat small meals repeatedly. Take food 5 to 6 times during the day, that is, 24 hours. Include three main meals and two or three breakfasts.

The major area where fat starts accumulating in the belly area and gets visible to everyone. A fat or shapeless belly makes anyone look older and unattractive. You can't even wear all the dresses you love. So in case you have that fatty belly, you must do regular exercises to lose belly fat. Some exercises to lose belly fat, although promise immediate effect but that not true. Moreover, there is nothing called spot reduction, and reduction would be made all over the body. However, some abdominal exercises are there that give good results in losing belly fat.

  • Lie down on your back keeping your hands at your sides. Slowly raise your legs to a 45 degree angle and then begin the cycling action with both legs. Repeat three times doing fifteen cycles each time. Since this exercise targets the lower abdominal muscles, it helps to strengthen and lose belly fat.

  • Lie down on your back on the floor with your hands at your sides. Slowly raise your leg to a 90 degree angle making your legs perpendicular to the floor. Raise your hips slightly so that your buttocks do not rest on the floor. Stay in this pose for 5-10 ten seconds before returning to the normal position. 5 sets with 15 reps would be enough. Helps to strengthen the lower abdomen and lose abdominal fat.



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